Speech Pathology

Are you concerned about your child’s speech and language difficulties? We can help.

We provide quality speech and language services via our online telehealth platform.

Australian Therapy Services connects qualified Australian speech pathologists to children experiencing difficulties with speech and language. Your physical location is no longer a barrier to accessing the support you need.

Our aim is to improve access to quality and timely intervention to give every child the chance to reach their full potential.

Our aims is to improve access to quality an timely intervention to give every child the chance to reach their full potential.

Our Services

  • Assessment
  • Individual Therapy
  • Guidance and Support
  • Parent Training (see Hanen Programs ® below)

Assessment and Therapy are provided for children who are experiencing difficulties in communication in the areas of:

  • Receptive Language (understanding directions and questions)
  • Expressive Language (using words and sentences)
  • Speech (using sounds to make words)
  • Stuttering (also known as a stammer)

To understand if Speech Pathology would be beneficial for your child you can learn more about speech and language development in our blogs.

Hanen Programs ®

Our certified therapists are pleased to offer Hanen parent training programs via telehealth to our families.

Hanen programs:

  • are evidence based, researched and well known around the world.
  • recognise that parents are the most important factor in their child’s language development.
  • teach parents how to support their child’s language as part of their  everyday interactions to improve their child’s communication.
  • use a combination of adult group learning (learning the strategies) and individual sessions with your child (applying the stategies) to enhance the adult learning experience.

Whilst training is delivered in English, the strategies can be implemented in the home language making it suitable for bilingual families.

It Takes Two to Talk ®

The It Takes Two to Talk program is for children between one and five years of age who have language delays that are impacting their understanding and expression.

The program includes:

  • an initial consultation to get to know you, your child and your goals (1 x one hour session)
  • small group parent training sessions (6 x two hour sessions)
  • individual consultations using video feedback ( 3 x one hour sessions)

Target Words ®

The Target Word Program is for children between 18 months and 2 1/2 years who are understanding and interacting well but have less words and early sentences (two word combinations) than their peers. These children are often described as late talkers.

The program includes:

  • an initial consultation to get to know you, your child and your goals (1 x one hour session)
  • small group parent training sessions (5 x two hour sessions)
  • individual consultations using video feedback (2 x one hour sessions)

This program can also be offered individually.

If you are interested in learning more on the background, research and strategies involved in the Hanen Programs ® you may like to visit their website.

Please register your interest in a Hanen Program®  using the expression of interest form below.

Download Target Words Brochure

Expression of Interest

Get in touch to learn more about how we can help you.

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Any information provided here will only be used for provision of our services, we will not use any data provided here for marketing purposes or share your data with any other parties. You can view our data protection and privacy policy here.